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our story


"To become the gift of choice for socially conscious mothers" - Givesie mission statement

After working in corporate America for years, the idea of Givesie, (which is a play on the words Give and Onesie) actually came to me four years ago when I took my first trip to Pakistan in 15 years, with my husband to visit extended family members and attend a wedding. The Givesie logo is a cultural inspired tessellation consisting of three components combined together to symbolize the concept of buying, giving and receiving. 

During my trip, I remember going shopping one afternoon, walking through the streets of the old town market. Just as I got into the car to leave before the heavy rain started, I noticed two women sitting at the corner of a run down building. It looked as though they were covering something up with their scarves, but when I looked closer, I noticed two little babies. I could hear their little cries. They were wearing mini cloths as diapers and the mothers were trying to use their scarves as protection from the wind and rain, as neither of the babies had on any clothing. Witnessing this broke my heart, as we drove by and there was nothing I was able to do.

The image has lasted in my mind ever since, I had an epiphany that night and decided that I wanted to do something meaningful to help children and families in need. And achieving this in a way that would also protect and benefit the environment and its resources. While obtaining my Master's Degree in Fine Arts, my love for fashion and my passion to help those in need was the push I needed to create the Givesie brand. Many people ask me if I have children of my own, and though, I am not a mom yet - due to fertility struggles that my husband and I have dealt with for the last two and a half years - I hope and pray to become a mom someday soon. In the meantime, I love working with moms, babies and local foundations that help families in need. 

As a designer and social entrepreneur, having the opportunity to be a part of babies’ adolescence and contributing to their lives through the art of design and entrepreneurship, is an exciting and rewarding challenge. Givesie’s business model and vision is not just a line of baby clothing, it is a movement and a mission to sustainably give back to communities in need and bring them together.

Givesie strives to protect the environment through the process, to provide babies with organic clothing, to help families keep their little ones protected and to establish a social experience through the Givesie website; where customers will receive promos after their purchases that they can use towards future purchases. They will also have the chance to provide feedback and reviews as well as post photos of their experiences as a Givesie receiver and supporter on our social media platforms. 

Givesie's long term vision is to be able to donate a portion of the proceeds to mothers and fathers with newborns born into poverty in Pakistan. Donations will go towards food, shelter and clothing for babies.

Together, let’s make an impact, one givesie at a time.



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